Gas Canisters – Using, Storing, Recycling!

We get asked lots of questions about how long they last, how to test how much is left in a canister, and how to safely store and recycle them. We thought it was time for us to create some handy tips to help look after this must have kit item!

Quick Tips:

  • Take full canisters on expediton, part used canisters can be used for training sessions closer to home
  • Use permanent markers to date when the canister was first used and for how long
  • Store your canisters upright, in a dry and well ventilated storage area which is not exposed to direct rays of sun or a heat source.

How Long will my Canister last for?

This is a tricky one to give a definitive answer to, there are many variances to take into account.. temperature and weather conditions, type and weight of food can all have an impact on how much gas you will use and how quickly. Below are some approx. times for each sized canister we supply.

100g Canister = 1hr on High heat, 2hrs on simmer

230g Canister = 2hrs on High heat, 4hrs on simmer

450g Canister = 3hrs on High heat, 6 hrs on simmer

How do I know how much gas is in my canister?

There are a few ways you can check your gas levels in a canister either before or whilst out on expedition.

Digital Scales

You can weigh your canisters on a digital scale, knowing their full weight helps work out approx. what is left in each canister. Our full canisters weigh the following amounts

100g = 205g inc canister

230g = 380g inc canister

450g = 690g inc canister

The Water Test

What if you don’t own a digital scale or are already out on expedition and need to know roughly how much fuel you have left? Easy — all you need is some water and some good old-fashioned physics (don’t worry, there will be no calculus necessary).

Place your canister in any still water source (like a pot), making sure to tilt it slightly to get rid of any air bubbles in the concavity underneath. Since a full canister weighs more than an empty one, it will float lower in the water. By rule of thumb, a full canister will sink to where the sides start to round over the top, while an empty canister will have a water level that hits about 1/4 or so up the side. Based on that assumption, you can guesstimate the percentage of fuel left by looking at the water level.

How do I safely dispose of empty canisters?

  1. Ensure you canister is empty. Do this by using with the valve fully open, and wait until the flame extinguishes on your chosen cooking system.
  2. Thread the Chrunchit tool onto your empty canister. A small amount of residual fuel may vent during threading which is normal.
  3. If the venting of the fuel does not stop within a few seconds, stop venting (and recycling), and re-attempt to use the fuel completely on your cooking system. Do not attempt to puncture the canister until it is completely empty.
  4. Once residual fuel has vented, continue threading the Crunchit tool completely down onto the canister until resistance is felt and the rotation stops.
  5. Press down on the Chrunchit handle to puncture the canister. Puncture in 3-4 well spaced locations so it is easily recognised as empty.
  6. Recycle as you would a tin can, in accordance with your local authority.